Tuesday, February 22, 2011

!@#$%^&*! MIDTERMS!

                Last week I went to a coffee shop and tried to study for my interdisciplinary essays.  Up until last week I had not really stressed very much about the interdisciplinary essays, because throughout my college career I have not made lower than an A on in class essays. I also felt extra confident knowing that we were pretty much given the prompt beforehand and that we would have almost a month to prepare for these essays. However, as soon I as I sat down to outline these particular essays I realized that this was not going to be as easy of a task as I had initially thought it would be. The concept of relating one of three themes with two or more concepts with a piece of literature, music, and art work, on top of writing an essay that cohesively flowed, began to seem like an overwhelmingly impossible task. I began to have a freak out moment. I am not someone who handles stress well at all. At that particular time I convinced myself that I already have too much stress in my life, and then I began to think about dropping the class. (Ridiculous, I know.)  Whenever I begin to feel like I am going to fail at something I start to shut down.  So on this day I just had to shut my laptop and leave the coffee shop.
                Today has been a little different. I approached studying in a more organized fashion by sitting down and simply outlining each culture then relating it to a topic. Within two hours I had managed to come up with two very nice outlines to base my essays off of. All I can say is that it really wasn’t hard. In the right frame of mind (and with two midterm portfolios out of the way) I was able to affectively study for my interdisciplinary essays. I am no longer stressed out about tomorrow, and I have confidence that I will do well.
….as long as I don’t freak out right before the exam. J

Words: 344

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